History Series: The TDN-1 Assault Drone

Following the development of the Curtiss Fledgling, The Naval Aircraft Factory designed the TDN-1 assault drone (an evolution of the RC Curtiss Fledgling) that was capable of carrying a 1,000 pound bomb. The airframe was made of wood and was powered by 250 horsepower engines. Its wingspan was 45 feet with a length of 37 feet. Following 1944, it was further modified to be used as an aerial torpedo. The TDN-1 was a remote-controlled assault drone designed to operate from aircraft carriers such as the USS Sable (IX-81). The USS Sable was a Great Lakes passenger steamer equipped with a flight deck. From this, the TDN-1 was controlled from either the ground, aircraft carrier, or air and was intended to be used to cause damage without risking the lives of airmen. The 100 production TDN-1s were never used in battle. 


Use Case: Minimizing Drone-in-a-Box Solutions


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